12 September 2014
Aurora: A Choreography for the Sun and the Earth
Dear friends,
We are opening the new Tilt season with a spectacular new performance in collaboration with the Sun:
Aurora: A Choreography for the Sun and the Earth
The performance is a dramatic choreography of forces, a duet featuring the Sun and the Earth. It started on Monday with the first of the two powerful blasts of radiation from the centre of the Sun, followed by a second on Wednesday. The performance will culminate tonight, as the blasts collide with the Earth's protective magnetic shield. The performance features a colourful celestial choreography of these forces on our night sky as the blasts envelop and embrace the Earth.
Aurora: A Choreography for the Sun and the Earth opens tonight, 12 September 2014 simultaneously worldwide in a number of countries further North and South on the globe. We are happy to be able to present the performance as far down south as the Netherlands where we are based, especially for the occasion of the season opening.
Aurora: A Choreography for the Sun and the Earth is an immersive durational spectacle for two celestial bodies and an observer that deals with the questions of drama, control, authorship, personal responsibility and engagement in space-wide events.
This is the third performance in the series of collaborations with the night sky titled Further Investigations Into Choreography, part of the larger cycle of collaborations with the weather titled Telling Future.
To view the trailer click here
Entrance fee: free
Viewing instructions:
The performance is visible to the naked eye.
Best viewed outside of populated areas, in complete darkness.
Once there, look North (on the northern hemisphere) or South (the southern hemisphere) and low down on the horizon. The performance has a faint and slow beginning.
We would like to apologize for the possible power and communications disruptions the performance might cause.
Find a location near you:
If you live on the northern hemisphere click here
If you live on the southern hemisphere click here
For more information for the Netherlands click here
Concept and choreography: Andrea Božić in collaboration with the Sun, the Earth and the weather
Dramaturgy: Julia Willms
Produced by: Tilt
For more information about the other projects in collaboration with the weather and the night sky, click here
Happy new season!